Updated on: 04.02.2022





Based on groupings of behaviours and needs, different types of users can be defined. To learn more about the typical user and possible solutions, a "real person" is created.

What is it about?

Personas enable the illustration and definition of user types. Different behavioural, cultural, geographical and social parameters are analysed to get more details about specific user groups.

For this, fictitious persons are sketched in as much detail as possible and "brought to life" together in the team. It is also possible to use a real person as a basis and to create a suitable persona in detail based on existing observations.

Unlike the formulation of an entire target group, a persona / user profile focuses on a single user who is typical for the target group.


Always keep your target group in mind and use relevant details of your users.

What is being done?

  • In order to create a multi-layered and lively persona, it is advisable to work together in a diverse team. Teams of about two to five people are optimal. Larger teams should be divided into small groups - so that each group can create its own persona.  
  • Depending on the type of persona to be created, a rough time frame of 30 minutes plus/minus 10 minutes is planned. The more complex the user profile and the more deep insights are used, the higher the time frame.  
  • For a clear presentation of the personas, paper (e.g. a flipchart), pens, post-its, photos from magazines and the internet, as well as notes of observations are needed.  
Persona Definition - A challenging task
Persona definition - understanding motives, actions and motivation

Step-by-step guide 

1. gather basic information about the person

Work in as much detail as possible and produce data on the following: Name, gender assignment, age, geographical and socio-demographic data, preferences, habits, working life and professional routine, hobbies, routines, daily life, personality structures, challenges. 

2. put the persona into the professional context and thereby show possibilities / options for assistance and tasks.

Where do jobs-to-be-done arise and what do they look like? 

3. let the created user mentally apply his or her own service and create a range of example situations. 

Run through the use cases in as much detail as possible, noting and answering any questions that arise. Example questions are: How is the offer used by the user? What happens before and after? Where is the offer applied?  

4. identify and explore the client's challenges (pains) and opportunities (gains).

In this step, all possible benefits and problems are determined in order to create the best possible solutions and options in the following tools. 

5 Putting a face to the personas

The user profile can be visualised with the help of photos and images. Alternatively, self-created sketches can be used. 

6. what future events will influence the user? 

Think through possible scenarios and consider what a future version of the persona might look like. What factors will influence the user, what trends will be reacted to and how, and what future courses of action will result? 

Further tips on the use of personas

Create a persona that you could meet in reality

When creating personas, it is important to work as close to reality as possible. Although a fictional character is created, it must be very close to life. Theoretically, this user should be able to be approached in reality.  

Detailed work 

Instead of applying general stereotypes, it is advisable to work as detailed as possible for optimal personas. Deep insights in particular create a deeper and more detailed level. 

Creating a persona is a continuous process 

Just as external circumstances and entrepreneurial fields of activity are always evolving, personas must also be continuously adapted. Especially in the process of the entire design cycle, the created users must evolve. 

Multiple personas  

Depending on the company structure and product range, the number of personas required may vary. It is advisable to create several personas and work with them. The number of personas needed must be checked individually for each company.